Added Services

Alternative Finance

The UAE market has seen a growing tendency toward alternative financing methods, including receivable financing, factoring, and securitizations, against the context of the development of financial technology and restrictions on working capital. These alternative financing strategies aim to fill the void left by traditional bank lending, which is no longer seen as a practical choice for companies.

With a presence across the globe, Capital Bridge assists in locating alternative capital from non-banking sources.

This approach is used by businesses to get finance when it would normally be challenging to do so through traditional banking channels.

Alternative Finance

Back-to-back LC

Businesses can arrange back-to-back Letters of Credit with the help of Capital Bridge (LCs). Back-to-back LCs are used largely in foreign transactions, like most LCs, with the first LC acting as security for the second.

A sight LC can be issued against a term LC.

Even if the first LC comes from a lesser bank or nation, the second LC will come from a top-notch UK-based bank.

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